Submission Page

How to Submit Your Manuscript

We accept manuscripts from a variety of genres, with the exception of photography/picture books.

Before you send us your work, please keep the following tips in mind:

Craft a Strong Query Letter

Your query letter is your first impression, so make it count. Be sure to include a brief, engaging summary of your manuscript, your writing background, and why you believe your book is a good fit for our agency.

Format Your Manuscript Correctly

Please send your manuscript in a Word document or PDF format. Include a synopsis and a bio along with your query.

Research Our Preferences

We work with a variety of genres, but it’s important to make sure your manuscript aligns with what we accept. Be sure to read our website to understand the kinds of books we represent.

Be Patient

We receive many submissions, so please allow up to 4-6 weeks for a response. If you haven’t heard back within that time frame, feel free to follow up.

We look forward to reading your work!

How to Submit

Please send your query letter and manuscript to:

Get in Touch with Equinoxlit Solutions

We’d love to hear from you! Whether you’re an author looking for representation, an editor interested in collaborating, or someone seeking more information about our services, we’re here to help. Please use the form below or contact us directly.